Kardii Phrase Book - Fighting Words

Damn it! Koshte!

The above three are given in increasing order of strength.

Drop dead! Arlikake!
Go away! Shayke!
Fuck off! Kedeke Behki!
Leave me/them alone! Andajake!
Stop it! Nakake!
How dare you! Ivani ty!
Do as I say! Prike sy rrusa vin pa!
Give it back! Chichuhke!
Come Here! Tiasake prast ri!
Who the hell do you think you are? Shorriche ki da menti?
Don’t mess with me! Te a pa tuii a!
I’m going to kick your ass! Tahvutachii!
Pa ashiichii katyia ki!
Alright, let’s go! T’selin u vela?

Literally, this is “Bone or steel?” – for asking whether the fight will use bare hands or weapons.

I’m going to kill you! Kartiichii ki!
Ksia lenache sree!

Ksia lenache sree” is literally “Everyone is wearing yellow” – the colour worn at funerals.


Idiot! Netafa!
Liar! Erira!
Bitch! Marenia!
Bastard! Medaje!
Brat! Kyka!
Old Fart! Kravika!
Pest! Karan!
Cat! Okra!
Monster! Wvamika!
Demon! Skaama!
Up yourself! Ima’ima!
Raapi vin amana!

Use the above two for someone who thinks they’re really good.

Whore! E’uin’ie!

A very serious insult to the Shela. “Dehaak” is probably the strongest word in the whole language.

Racial Slurs

Foreigner! Ijoria!
Tali! Svaya!
Iilkana! Nori denthee!
Penkanese! Ben driite!
Ta’e! Wvatava!
Shela! Defyd!

Defyd” is a Tali insult that has become current among other ethnic groups in the Shela kingdoms.

Country Based Insults

Watch out for the West Nin people – they’re all high and mighty and think they rule over everything. Nu is the opposite – a bunch of primatives grubbing around in the dirt. The ones from East Nin are more balanced, but they’d sell their own families if the price was high enough…

One from Nu Baji eroa!
One from West Nin Lekysa!
One from East Nin Saalan teriisa!

City and Country Folk

There’s a joke that people from the cities can’t walk on anything that isn’t paved. If you put them on dirt, they’ll get stuck. On the other hand, Everyone in the city knows that those out on the farms spend their time doing inappropriate things with their animals…

City slicker! Kentuda!
Country bum! Peri behki!

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