Kardii Audio Samples

Pa shanche ki Hello
Kardii Kardii
Pa oiache Mi’ia My name is Mi’ia
Sh’kirra Thankyou
Ty Yes
Ty tuii No
Vi naan tah Goodbye

Siry keha d’tu ensii vin sayan
The undertow is stronger than the wave
(the most obvious is not always the most influential)
Kathiiru, ki da emetrese emetre vin istee isawi mekatena n’kedase sy nedase naka i kin sia norfa oriami a rruse eta rrutaashiil?
Boy, who are you that dreams the dreams of a lonely wind, lost and sobbing as it nears its end with none but the stars to tell its tale?
fas, sas, rin, neen, soni, wen, sis, er, fe, jis
(Numbers 1 – 10)

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